I've been watching this lens (Sigma 10-20mm) for a while. I especially wanted to buy it after renting that Canon 10-22mm lens last weekend for the Green Acres race.
The Sigma has long been $569. Recently I had seen a used one (a demo model) for $499 and nearly bought it. But it only had a 90-day warranty instead of four years, so I hesitated. And then somebody bought it out from under me just a few days ago.
Looked at my online wishlist tonight and saw that the lens had dropped in price by $90. Woo hoo! So I ordered it right away from B&H Photo (NYC). (I generally split my business pretty evenly between B&H and Adorama.) w/S&H $489.10. Cheaper than that demo lens I nearly got stuck with!
I have a Sigma 35mm body now, I'm thinking of getting a digital back some day so I can use my Sigma lenses. Wonder how their digital SLR is?
hmmm, sounds familiar. I bought my Pentax DSLR because I wanted to use all my old lenses. but I ended up buying all new lenses anyway. now I wish I used Canon or Nikon instead, so I could rent/buy lenses etc. more easily.
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