Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rum River wrap-up

how about this near-wipeout in the "B" race? yowza! nice recovery! (no crash) I think that's Greg G. I should hold a caption-writing contest for this pic.

thinking about the photos I took at Rum River... things I'd do differently if I had it to do over again...

  • I spend too much time in the woods, setting up for a shot and then just waiting for riders to ride into focus.
  • shoulda done some more creative shots on the bridge, like focus on the diagonal slats while cyclists zoom past.
  • shoulda spent more time at the run-up, too. the few photos I took there really capture the feel of a cyclocross race, I think.
  • it also seems like I take pictures of the same riders over and over again; some riders I tend to ignore. I wonder why I do that.
another of my favorite photos from this past week was the bike-on-shoulder. hope to see some of that at State.

1 comment:

Lunatic Biker said...

Rum River was a great place for picture taking because you had the barriers and bridge in close proximity to one another. Great backgrounds too. Cross races yield great pictures because there are places the riders have to slow down or dismount. I tell Mrs to just keep shooting. Great picture set, Frank.