Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ham Lake CX 2008

  • Yuck, had bright sun with harsh, distracting shadows today. I much prefer an overcast sky.
  • Felt like I couldn't be as creative today. The course is pretty flat and fast, the venue isn't as picturesque as other recent CX races.
  • Bruce at skinnyski did a much better job than I did, getting multiple riders in a single shot (like going around curves).
  • My friend Robbie was at the race with his six-foot, bright orange, fiberglass ladder. It was funny to see him carrying that thing through the woods. But he got some good angles that way; looks like he was 20 feet up a tree! I need to try that some day.
  • Tried a little panning at 1/180 sec to get just a small amount of background blur on a fast curve, and blur in the wheels and pedals. Those turned out well.
  • Pay it forward: found a thermal vest by the side of the road after the races, and turned it in. JHelmbrecht really appreciated that!

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